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EPSB YELLOW BUS INFORMATION click the link for information on passes, routes, safety, late bus and more...

2023/2024 Yellow Bus Application

"FIND MY BUS" on Schoolzone - if you are looking to see if your bus is late/or on time, the "Find Your Bus" program is available on Schoolzone.  Go to Student Profile, Transportation to find the link. Parents can also sign up to receive texts/phone calls for late bus notifications.

Requests for route changes and cancellations must be made through the school.

If your child will be away for an extended period of time (e.g illness, vacation) contact your child's school. The school will notify Student Transportation and the bus company. Depending on the length of your child's absence, the route may be adjusted to accommodate the change.

Parking in the bus drop-off zone may result in a fine by Edmonton City Bylaw officers, and negatively affects our students’ ability to safely and quickly disembark.

A yellow school bus surrounded by blocks of red to represent the danger zone and green for the safety zone.

Bus Fees

Bus fees are set annually by Student Transportation. Please contact the school for further fee information.